Our Services


About our Services


We believe in empowerment through education. Our programs offer educational support to school-going children, adult education, and vocational training, enabling every individual to fully develop their potential.

Food Aid to needy

Maa Foundation's services include education support for underprivileged students, food assistance for families facing hunger, employment programs for job seekers, healthcare initiatives for better well-being, community development projects, and advocacy for social justice. Together, we empower and uplift marginalized communities for a brighter future.

Employment Support

Maa Foundation's services include education support for underprivileged students, food assistance for families facing hunger, employment programs for job seekers, healthcare initiatives for better well-being, community development projects, and advocacy for social justice. Together, we empower and uplift marginalized communities for a brighter future.

Religious Programme

Maa Foundation's services include education support for underprivileged students, food assistance for families facing hunger, employment programs for job seekers, healthcare initiatives for better well-being, community development projects, and advocacy for social justice. Together, we empower and uplift marginalized communities for a brighter future.

Social Service

We undertake various social initiatives aimed at improving the living standards of marginalized communities. This includes healthcare services, protection of women's and children's rights, and community development programs.